The BidSwitch Blog

An Introduction to BidSwitch Deals Discovery

Written by Rob Taylor | Nov 7, 2023 10:48:37 AM

A new addition to the Deals Center stable of BidSwitch tools, Deals Discovery helps SSPs and DSPs manage, discover, and activate one-to-many deals across BidSwitch.  

Advertisers are transacting via deals at an ever-growing rate, but sourcing deals that meet specific campaign objectives across all supply partners is a time-consuming and manually intensive task for buyers. Equally, SSPs are creating more supply packages than ever before, but are struggling to get them seen and activated by demand partners.  

The solution? BidSwitch Deals Discovery. 

The newest component to the BidSwitch Deals Center suite of tools, Deals Discovery was built to address the pain points of managing one-to-many always-on deals.  

What is BidSwitch Deals Discovery? 

BidSwitch Deals Discovery, part of the Deals Center suite of tools within BidSwitch, is designed to simplify deal transactions for both buyers and sellers. Think of it as a centralized deals marketplace where SSPs can surface, and DSPs can find, one-to-many deals across all connected partners. 

The tool makes it effortless for BidSwitch supply partners to expose their evergreen deals to BidSwitch-connected DSPs, and for demand partners to discover and activate relevant deals across all of their BidSwitch-connected SSPs.  

How it works is straightforward, too: 

  1. SSPs push one-to-many deals to BidSwitch via the Deals Discovery UI or API. 
  2. DSPs use the Deals Discovery interface to search for deals from their BidSwitch-connected partners against specific supply criteria such as country, publisher, creative type, keyword, and more.  
  3. DSPs can drill into deal avails, supply configuration, and price guidance within the interface.  
  4. DSPs can push selected deals to Deal Sync or download them within Deals Discovery for easy activation in their own platform. 

Deals Discovery works seamlessly alongside other Deals Center components, including deals management, troubleshooting, and reporting tools, as well as the Deals Sync API. 

How Deals Discovery helps DSPs 

Deals Discovery aims to reduce the complexity of deals management for DSPs, offering an organized, centralized framework for deal activation.  

Here's how: 

  • Discovering new deals, made easy. Have you ever wished you could filter available deals as easily as you do your email? That's precisely what Deals Discovery allows you to do as a buyer. Leverage specific search criteria and quality metrics to find exactly the deals you're looking for. These criteria include auction type, inventory type, ad format, country, floor price, and inventory owned by under-represented groups, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and veterans.  

  • Comprehensive reporting. Once a deal is activated, you'd usually have to sift through multiple interfaces to keep track of its performance. Not with Deals Discovery. All activated deals are automatically sent to the Deals Management and Deals Reporting tabs within Deals Center, where you can review all deals being traded, track key metrics, make data-driven decisions, and more. 

  • Troubleshooting tools. Encountering trading issues is not uncommon in the world of ad tech. Deals Discovery includes troubleshooting features that serve as your in-house diagnostician. Now you can get down to the root cause of a problem without having to wade through confusing data or rely on third-party tools.

  • The Deals Sync API. The age of manually inputting deals data is over. For buyers who have integrated the Deal Sync API, any deal activated through Deals Discovery will automatically be pushed into your platform for instant activation and campaign targeting—no manual input needed. 

  • Centralized supply criteria. One of the more taxing parts of being a DSP is the need to manage deals across various supply partners. With Deals Discovery, you can search for deals from all your BidSwitch-connected partners against specific supply criteria in one UI. Simple.  

How Deals Discovery helps SSPs 

The challenge for SSPs when it comes to deals management is really the other side of the coin: showcasing their supply packages to DSPs.  

To solve the issue of discoverability, our Deals Discovery tool provides:  

  • Greater visibility to buyers. The platform serves as a showcase of available deals across supply partners, centralizing all available one-to-many deals in one place where DSPs congregate to find new opportunities. In short, Deals Discovery is the best place for SSP deals to be to maximize the likelihood of them being seen and activated by DSPs.

  • Accelerated deal activation. Through Deals Discovery, SSPs can more efficiently move from deal creation to activation, cutting down on the time it usually takes to go live and maximizing monetization opportunities.  

How to get started with Deals Discovery 

We designed Deals Discovery to be as easy to use as possible. Here's a quick rundown for each side of the supply chain: 

  • For buyers: Navigate to Deals Center > Deals Discovery in the BidSwitch platform, where you'll find a list of existing deals shared by your connected SSP partners. You’ll also be able to see weekly avails, eCPMs, win rates along with inventory quality analysis (e.g. ads.txt status). Just pick the ones that fit your campaign objectives then export them for activation. Simple.

  • For sellers: Uploading new or updating existing deals is easy. Just use the spreadsheet bulk upload feature within the platform and edit any deals in the UI to add more info. Prefer to use the API? Just contact your account manager for more info or check out our documentation here 

If you’re ready to experience a simpler way to manage your deals, explore what’s available or upload your own deals today by heading to Deals Discovery in BidSwitch now. You can also hit the ground running with the resources available on our Deals Discovery Quickstart page